Wedding planning brings a lot of tasks into a seemingly never-ending to-do list. One of the items probably near the top of the list is deciding what you are going to wear (which I love calling weddingwear).
There’s a lot of information out there about picking the perfect venue or finding your dream photographer, but in my searches, there wasn’t a ton of information for picking your weddingwear–your dress or suit/tux. That’s an important choice, too!
So important, I came up with three tips to help you choose what you are going to wear in an easy (well, easier) way.
There’s going to be a lot of people with a lot of opinions (such is wedding planning life). When it comes to picking out your dress, be sure you bring only those whose opinions you truly value. Also, bring those that you know will have your interest at heart; I have heard too many horror stories of that one bridesmaidzilla (yes, that’s a thing, too) who sabotaged the whole process by disagreeing with the majority. The saying “too many cooks in the kitchen” is just as applicable to dress shopping as it is to chefs.
Unless you know 100-percent that a style will not work for you, do not be afraid to try on a whole variety of styles. Sometimes the process of saying “Yes” to weddingwear is a game of elimination—and that’s totally okay! Unless you are a supermodel or work the pageant circuit, you probably have only bought formal attire for yourself a couple of times (and that might have only been for prom). It’s fine to try on several styles and colors to really get a sense of what will give scale of “WOW!” you are going for on your wedding day.
One of the worst things that you can do is let your brain confuse your mind by feeling like you need to keep looking once you found the dress or suit you’re seeking. Your mind is the programmer of your brain, so you tell it when you are done. If that is with the first one you try on, that’s awesome! It it takes five, ten, fifteen, fifty outfit changes at five different stores, that’s awesome, too! But once you feel it, go with it.
While these are are all good, there is one unspoken rule: HAVE FUN. This is your chance to gussy up, so enjoy it!
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