Oh, 2025. You are here. Already.
Don’t get me wrong–I am excited (I love new starts almost as much as remote starts in a Minnesota winter), but I think many of us are still a little shell-shocked by 2024 (and maybe even all the way back to 2020), I just try to be realistic.
So, for that reason, I have three business goals that are more about growth over accomplishment, as that is what I need from 2025 more than anything.
Last year was a hard year personally. I said “goodbye” to people in all the ways, and I spent too much time trying to fix relationships that were irrevocably broken. That took a lot of my headspace that would have usually went to celebrating and being excited for all the good things (it seems I cannot do it with a broken heart). I pride myself on being objective and having previously been able to separate personal and business, but 2024 was a test in that, and I failed. Hard. Going into 2025, though, I feel more like myself–a self I haven’t seen in years–and I can’t wait to be back to a normal where my heart feels healthy and happy and ready to just spread joy and kindness like the confetti that fell in Times Square last night.
I’ve said to many of you that one of the coolest artifacts of the COVID era was the rise in elopements and microweddings. As someone who loves the emotion and tension of a wedding day, these aren’t simply small or “easy” celebrations. Quite the contrary. They are condensed versions–they are potent and powerful expressions of love and commitment, and I am here for them. I had somewhat phased them out, but I was lucky enough to return to Gunflint Lodge multiple times, and I remembered how much I loved them. I have recently added them back to the website, so if you’re looking for that form of coverage…I am once again your girl.
I know myself pretty well, and I know I can be somewhat sure of myself in certain situations (if we aren’t our own biggest cheerleaders, how can we expect others to be?) However, I used to pair that with education. Knowledge is power, but in recent years I have stopped learning (again, I think that has a lot to do with resolution #1, but I digress). Whether this is taking workshops or finding a new skills-based online course to try, I want to get back to school of sorts.
This is all I ask of the new year. I just want to keep growing, evolving, and becoming.
And I hope the same for you and yours.
Kayla Lee is a Minnesota-based wedding and elopement photographer (and handcrafter and designer on the side). She serves elegant, authentic, sentimental couples who not only choose their own adventures, but also live them to the fullest! See more about the KLP Wedding Experience!