
Kayla + Zeb: Love at the Lodge I ENGAGEMENT

November 6, 2017


Itasca State Park is an important place. It is Minnesota’s oldest state park, and it is the second-oldest state park in the United States, right behind Niagara Falls State Park. This contains the headwaters to the Mississippi River, with that flowing body of water beginning as gentle ripple over a ridge of rocks at the end of Lake Itasca. It’s 32,000-plus acres plays hosts to roughly a half million visitors annually who all come in awe of nature and history.
Two of those visitors this past September were Kayla and Zeb, a couple who had just recently become engaged; when it came to a location for their engagement session, Itasca State Park seemed to be a no-brainer, as it is downright gorgeous in the fall and has a certain romantic nature that is intertwined with nature. It was perfect for this down-to-earth, absolutely joyful couple.
The session began in the shadows of the Douglas Lodge, names after the man fought long and hard to save the trees of Itasca State Park from the thriving lumber industry that was dominating northern Minnesota in the early 20th (and no doubt salivating at the gates to cut down this precious lumber). Constructed in 1905, it’s rustic, romantic style was rivaled only by the dynamic duo that wrapped up in each other in its midst. They walked and talked and cuddled and kissed right down from the lodge, weaving in-between cabins, until they reached the southern shore of Lake Itasca (where continued what they began above).
The subtle change in leaves, indicating the rollover of summer into fall, couldn’t have been better timed for this couple, who themselves were rolling into a whole new, unknown but oh-so-very exciting time in their lives. As they danced and twirled under the orange colophase cover of the maple, it was clear that they were on their way to a just as bright and vibrant life as a Minnesota fall.

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At home on the road. Forever-focused on authenticity and the thrilling art of creation; always found in the moments that leave me breathless and in awe. 

After fourteen years as a high school educator, I stepped back through a door I thought was closed. Journalism came back into my life. Armed with a Masters of Arts in Communication, I was again challenged and prepared to tell the stories that would become history, but with a twist: It is now your legacy of love that I document. The tension I seek is that from every tear, smile, laugh, and moment of love on your wedding day. 


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