“…and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment…”
-Plato, The Symposium
Kevin, the groom, was a man of few words, but many smiles. Even Maid of Honor Deanna to make reference in her speech that he was the shy kid with a bowl cut on the daily bus as she rode with her sister, Leslie; he was the same kid that her sister would marry on a recent August Saturday. It was like, at that moment, on a big yellow school bus barreling across the iron range of Minnesota, she knew.
As Kevin said in he speech, it only takes a moment. Life can be changed, altered, made unrecognizable in just a moment. Kevin wisely said we only have this moment—nothing else is guaranteed. We cannot control much around us, only what is in us at that moment.
This is why weddings are so amazing. In one moment and with a kiss, two families are one. Two roads, once forked, merge together for a new path, and new outlook, and a new adventure, which only took one moment to create.
In one moment, the future is no longer the story of one; it is two narratives (or three, in the case of Kevin, Leslie, and Leslie’s daughter) interwoven and braided together. It only takes a moment to change course, and that course was happily changed for this family at Camp Esquagama.
Life is a collection of moments…here are the finest few from this couple most major moment to date: