As cliché as it can be, I really enjoy when people are the light of each other’s lives, which makes for the best engagement shoots. Pair that light with an Indian Summer sun, and it doesn’t get too much better than that.
It was an unseasonably warm early October day when I met Ashely and Adam at the North Shore’s iconic Gooseberry Falls. When it hits this time of year, we never know what kind of day we’re going to get, but on this particular Sunday, it was as good as it gets for mid-fall (seriously, sometimes we have snow and ice and all things winter by early October. This fall was an absolute treat!).
These two soon-to-be husband and wife were in the Duluth area for a little vacation, and thought it would be a perfect time for an engagement shoot. When we booked this is August, she no idea how right she was. We wondered back and forth about where the perfect location would be for their shoot. Tettagouche was an an option, as it was a location of a trip earlier in their relationship, but not knowing how the weather would be, we settled on Gooseberry—not too far, but oh-so-beautiful, even in crummier weather. When the date rolled around, however, it was anything but crummy. The sun was shining, the leaves were still tinted their fall hues, and the beautiful waterfall was still rushing…it was indeed beautiful.
But not as beautiful as this couple. Sweetly before we began, Ashley warned that Adam was not looking forward to pictures—he was not the photographing kind. However, the Adam that appeared before my camera was anything but camera shy! He was active and he participated and he looked the way he was supposed to: Madly in love with his fiancé. And that fiancé took it all in, loving every moment of it herself.
#Engagement #GooseberryFalls #NorthShore #Duluth #Minnesota