Baby Ivy is 6 Months! I A YEAR OF SMILES

December 6, 2016


Once October comes to a close, we Minnesotans never know what November we are going to see. Yes, March traditionally comes in like a lamb or a lion, but November, well, he can sometimes can a bear—and I don’t mean Yogi or Boo Boo.


It was such a pleasant surprise, then, when a couple weeks after Halloween it was still beautifully fall. We could have easily enjoyed a pic-a-nic basket on a blanket, it had been that nice. The leaves (like I’m guessing most candy collected during trick-or-treating) were long gone, but the sun was still shining and the air was still warm when it came time for Ivy’s six-month session. Sweet, blue-eyed baby Ivy. Already sitting up by herself, eating solid food, and smiling up a toothy storm.


It was about as perfect as you can get for mid-autumn.


The four of us—Mom Anna-Lisa, Dad Brady, Baby Ivy, and me—made the most of it. We took full advantage of this sunny Sunday morning. We rustled her up some leaves for her to enjoy, Mom shared with her a itty bitty Ivy-sized pumpkin, which she loved most of all. She enjoyed some tummy-time, from which she was able to lift herself up, giving her something to giggle about (which she totally did). We all got a good chuckle of Ivy the Duck, which was simply the sweetest thing.


It is crazy to think that less a week later, that ursidae that this month can be roared, dumping much of this state with inches of deep, wet, heavy snow. Just as crazy is how fast time flies and how quick kiddos grow up. Thankfully, though, growing up comes complete with adorable memories that were made that Sunday, and that ensures that those fleeting moments stay forever and ever, from one November to the next.







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At home on the road. Forever-focused on authenticity and the thrilling art of creation; always found in the moments that leave me breathless and in awe. 

After fourteen years as a high school educator, I stepped back through a door I thought was closed. Journalism came back into my life. Armed with a Masters of Arts in Communication, I was again challenged and prepared to tell the stories that would become history, but with a twist: It is now your legacy of love that I document. The tension I seek is that from every tear, smile, laugh, and moment of love on your wedding day. 


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