People closest to me like to joke that life behind the camera gives me just one more reason to hide. “Whatever do you mean?” Is usually my response.
I ask knowing very well the answer.
I have never been a not open person (seek and you shall find, ask and I will tell), but as a natural storyteller I would rather listen to you, hear where you’ve been, try to figure out where you are going. That doesn’t need to be reciprocated.
But because you are here, you are joining me on this wild-and-crazy ride, and since we’re traveling together, I’d like you to know me…here are five random aspects of me (and a few photos to prove it). They are things I am proud of, secrets I haven’t shared, truths that make me giddy…but most importantly, they are a huge part of who make me Kayla Lee.
1.) My first road race was a half marathon…and my second flight was a 11-hour international excursion (directly following my first connecting flight and a five-hour layover).
Some say “Girl, you crazy;” I say “Go big or go home.” Either one would be wholly accurate. I am an ardent believer in pushing and challenging one’s self to see how far we can go. Guess what? We always go farther than we expect!
2.) I speak Hebrew and a little microscopic bit of Arabic.
I have always been charmed by the Middle East (and any of us that grew up watching Aladdin and humming “Whole New World” while pretend-floating on a magic carpet, you might understand why). I decided to let my second and third languages be inspired by the region I adore.
3.)I secretly want to sell my house and live on a boat.
I am a Minnesota Lake Girl through and through, and I love Tel Aviv for the Mighty Mediterranean. I love water like nobody’s business, and I would love to be as close to it as possible. Living on it would be an amazing dream!
4.) Instagram is my favorite social media.
I love two things as much as water: Words and photos. They work in tandem so well, I could never imagine one without the other. I feel I communicate the best through the medium—check me out at @kaylaleephotomn to see if you agree!
5.) I love Jack Russells Terriers. A lot.
They’re spunky, they’re loving, they’re short…they’re kind of like me in dog form. I haven’t met a dog I didn’t love, but these guys, gosh, they are just too much fun in fur form.
These are five of the facets that make me Kayla Lee, five things that are just a part of the whole me. So what about your? What’s your trademark?
*I have to give credit where credit is due…MarathonFoto is responsible for making me look so alive in any of the running pictures (guaranteed I did not feel as good as I look…). The rest were taken by those nearest me with my iPhone.