Dear COVID-19 Clients + Couples of 2020,
Thank you for your understanding.
We are so sorry that you have had to change your date one, two, maybe even three times. I know that first date was so important in so many ways. Thank you for rescheduling and letting us serve you, whenever it happens to be.
Please be patient with us as we navigate state laws and federal regulations. There is past precedence for any of this, so we’re all kind of making this up as we go. Be courteous if something doesn’t make sense; there is a good chance we don’t get it, either.
Don’t hold it against us if things change quickly and what was a no-go just days before your event gets a green light the following week or month. Trust us when we say we would have been there if we could have, and be happy for the couple who wasn’t as impacted. Wish them well—it will make you feel better, I promise.
Try to understand our hesitancy. Some of us are ready to get right back at it and cover your wedding, while others will need some time to test out these new, uncharted, rocky waters. We want you to stay safe and healthy, and we wish the same for our families. Be kind if some of us are a bit nervous about everything. We did not expect this when you booked, so please respect if plans and coverage have to change a bit. Don’t speak ill of us if we just can’t provide you our service the exact way we want; we are just doing our best, all things considered.
Many of us will be wearing masks or other PPE. We probably don’t want to, but we will to protect you and our loved ones waiting for us at home. Don’t be offended if we don’t remove it when you say we can. And please don’t ridicule us for it–we are thinking about the health of many in our decisions. We’re thinking about you, us, our families, and future clients; regardless of beliefs, we’re willing to do anything to keep you all safe.
Sorry about the lack of hugs.
I know it might seem like we are all down in the dumps, but it is getting better. As the country continues to open, we will keep climbing back to the new normal. This probably isn’t going to be a quick leisurely hike up a hill, and it will most likely look and feel like we’re scaling up Mount Everest, but we are moving, and the view from the top—once we get back up there—will be worth it.
Love always,
Your Wedding Vendors
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