“Cousins are people that are ready made friends, you have laughs with them and remember good times from a young age, you have fights with them but you always know you love each other, they are a better thing than brothers and sisters and friends cause there all pieced together as one.” Courtney Cox
As it is with a lot of people, my cousins were my best friends growing up. Even now, in our mid-thirties, we can talk as if no time has passed; it is like we are still young and fun-loving, and any weekend could bring us back to playing Mary Poppins, taking turns leaping off the picnic table as if we are really going to fly.
Baily and Emily are such cousins, and had planned for a joint senior session for ever. While distance may not always work in their favor (one is home in Minnesota, the other in Wyoming), they make sure to use every second of summer at grandma and grandpa’s home on Lake Pokegama to their advantage.
For their senior portraits, this meant a game plan, a ton of ideas, and even more laughter.
While these young ladies are very similar (both are highly personal, friendly, and bubbly), their two distinct personalities came out through their two-hour combined session. Emily is a natural leader, and very gifted at articulating her thoughts and requests (her career choice of public relations/marketing is very spot on, as it seems as if she has already read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends & Influence People). Baily has a kind heart, and was very gentle in her discussion (which fits with her choice of early childhood education). They are strong, dedicated young ladies, who will without a doubt accomplish whatever they wish to do.
Proof positive to this? How they dominated their duo senior session. Here is Baily + Emily, Class of 2019…