Cheerful, energetic, and bold: Bianka, Class of 2018 I SENIORS

February 2, 2018


“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Optimism is the most potent superpower. Like strength, it moves mountains. Similar to invincibility, it hardens your outlook to make you invisible to the bad. Along the lines of x-ray vision, it makes you see the good, the achievable.
The woods outside of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, I was a first-hand witness to this force when I met an incredible young lady, who completely embodies an optimistic perspective, but who is also very real and very authentic too herself. Her personality and good-nature rivaled that of the setting summer sun, both of which brightened everything in its presence.
I never learned what her superhero name is, but she is know as Bianka, and is a memeber of the Class of 2018.
Last August, I was able to spend a beautiful late summer evening with this daughter and her mother who is a legitimate beam of pure energy.Spunky, sassy, and sweet, this lively member of this year’s senior class knows what it means to be cheerful, energetic, and bold. As a former swimmer, her competitive nature and focused strength are clear; having been sidelined due to injury didn’t mean said and done to Bianka, who stepped up into a new role as manager with just as force and dedication as when she competed herself. Her bright spirit made it such a treat to be her senior photographer.
Cheerful, Energetic, Bold, here is Bianka, Class of 2018…

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At home on the road. Forever-focused on authenticity and the thrilling art of creation; always found in the moments that leave me breathless and in awe. 

After fourteen years as a high school educator, I stepped back through a door I thought was closed. Journalism came back into my life. Armed with a Masters of Arts in Communication, I was again challenged and prepared to tell the stories that would become history, but with a twist: It is now your legacy of love that I document. The tension I seek is that from every tear, smile, laugh, and moment of love on your wedding day. 


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