“I keep my gratitude in my smile
A glistening waterfall in the sun
Gently splashing at that person
Who made me happy for some reason”
-Sanobar Kahn
From the minute I met Adam and Kaitlynn for the first time amidst of the mist of Minnehaha Falls, two things became very clear despite the cool fuzzy air: (1) These two love adventure and (2) These two love each other. No matter where we ventured, they were more than OK with being led of the beaten path, and no matter how many times they were asked to be serious, that stern exterior quickly cracked into smiles, then giggles, and then laughter (you may recall their little fur baby Bentley looking up at them in wonder of what was up with his humans).
These are two truths that are also known by their family, who breathed a sigh of “Finally!” when their wedding day rolled around last weekend. Joined by their closest friends and family at Big Woods State Park, this couple closed the book on what was a three or four year engagement (there are varying opinions about this when the bridesmaids were asked), and started the next novel in the series with their marriage, at which the duo is already off to a great start (they have recently relocated to their new home, which served as a comfortable and adorable backdrop for their reception, and they have already started the great debate about whether to watch or not watch “Game of Thrones”…but thankfully they were both in complete amazement of their gift of “The Lion King” Broadway tickets, purchased just for their honeymoon in the Big Apple).
Yes, as Kaitlynn and Adam cuddled again underneath (and beside, and above) the Hidden Falls of their venue, there is no doubt that they were not only made to be, but more than ready to be husband and wife. Their love for adventure will suit them well as they embark on this next one together.