

June 24, 2019


In business education, we talk a ton about repelling and attracting. This means that, as business owners, we need to understand that we cannot serve everyone (nor should we want to); this means that we need to not only get the attention of those clients with whom we are meant to work, but also to push away those who would not be the greatest fit. The underlying idea is that we cannot serve every single person (and nor should we want to), so we as entrepreneurs need to do what we can to help those who are meant to work with us find us.

I have talked before about three signs that you might be a KLP Couple…so today, how about three signs you might NOT be a KLP Couple?

1. You are more about the wedding than the marriage. I know this sounds trite, and you might be thinking “Who would ever be more about the party than the life that follows?” But it happens–and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You are putting a TON of planning into every single detail, so you have the right to want it perfect and captured in a structured, fine art kind of way. I photograph all those little things, I do indeed (ask me about my love of ring shots)–but since I come at this from a journalistic perspective, photos in my delivered galleries will always have a greater emphasis on the emotional and relational quotient from the day. That is my first and foremost priority for you.

2. You do not want a single bug or speck of dirt to get onto your dress. I love the look of bridal elements against the natural backdrop. This means that I will be thinking (and hoping) that you, too, will want photos outside as much as possible, even if that means we steal a moment away at sundown to head out into the field or go down by the lake. This might mean your veil might trap an insect or two (but don’t worry, we get them off!) or you may need to change into a pair of Sorels to trudge out into the snow …so if you are OK with that, I am more than OK with it!

3. You see this as a transaction, and you just want to pay, get your photos, and be done. This isn’t just a commercial exchange to me, and you are so much more than just a customer. I strive to be your friend, someone you can trust, and I want to provide for you a top-notch experience. I want us to have a relationship, like old friends, where you can be open with me and I can be open with you; through that closeness we make your wedding day memories everything you want them to be. I will never just show up, shoot, and deliver–I will always have your back, from booking and beyond.

If this sounds good to you, great! I would love to hear about how we can work to make your day a dream! If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, that is just as cool. As a wedding photographer, it is my mission to help you see your memories the exact way you want to remember them, even if I am not the one capturing them.

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At home on the road. Forever-focused on authenticity and the thrilling art of creation; always found in the moments that leave me breathless and in awe. 

After fourteen years as a high school educator, I stepped back through a door I thought was closed. Journalism came back into my life. Armed with a Masters of Arts in Communication, I was again challenged and prepared to tell the stories that would become history, but with a twist: It is now your legacy of love that I document. The tension I seek is that from every tear, smile, laugh, and moment of love on your wedding day. 


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