

June 17, 2024


In the intricate dance of wedding planning, every step, every detail, and every clause in your contracts plays a critical role in ensuring your big day unfolds seamlessly. One such detail, often found in wedding photography contracts, pertains to the provision of meals for the photography team. In my contract, it reads like this:

 15. Meals.  We will be spending a lot of time together on your Wedding day! Therefore, you agree to provide one (1) hot meal for each member of the Photographer’s team present at the Wedding, to be eaten at a time and location that doesn’t interfere with our services.

This clause isn’t just about food; it’s a strategic element designed to maintain the flow and energy of your day without missing a beat. Specifically, the part of the clause that focuses on the timing and location of the meal is crucial for smooth operations. Here’s why this aspect is so essential and deserves attention in wedding photography contracts.

Maximizing Coverage Without Interruption

The primary reason for specifying that meals should be eaten at a time and location that doesn’t interfere with services is to ensure continuous coverage of your wedding. Wedding photographers are tasked with capturing fleeting moments that happen once but are remembered forever—like your first kiss as a married couple, your parent’s tearful smile, or a surprise dance move from a loved one. Eating at a strategic time means photographers won’t miss photographing important parts of your reception, like the speeches, the first dance, or cutting the cake. As arrogant as it might sound, when feeding your photographers, consider having them receive their meals after the head and reserved tables receive theirs. That will keep everyone on the same timeline.

Efficient Use of Time

Weddings are live events where the schedule can shift unexpectedly. Photographers plan their breaks around your itinerary, ideally when guests are eating, and there are fewer photo opportunities. This planning ensures that photographers are active during the critical moments and can step away when their presence won’t compromise the quality and comprehensiveness of your wedding album.

Choosing the Right Location for Meals

The location where the photography team eats is just as important as the timing. Ideally, photographers should be nearby and ready to spring into action if an unexpected moment arises that needs capturing. For instance, an impromptu toast from a guest might happen, or an emotional reunion might unfold. If the photography team is dining in a separate room far from the main event, they might not be able to capture these spontaneous events. Photographers don’t need a seat at the table, but it is important to keep them in the same room where it happens.

Wedding Photography Contracts Protect Professional Readiness

Having a meal clause specifying when and where to eat underscores the professionalism of the photography team. It shows that they are planning meticulously to balance their human needs with the commitment to their work. This consideration ensures they are never too far from the action, ready and alert to capture the essence of your celebration without delay.

Respect and Care for Service Providers

This clause also reflects a thoughtful approach to handling the people who work to make your day special. By agreeing to this clause, you show an understanding of their long hours and physically demanding job. Providing for their basic needs in a way that doesn’t hinder their work demonstrates respect and appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

Incorporating specific details about meal times and locations in wedding photography contracts may seem minor, but it’s a testament to the thorough planning that ensures your wedding day is captured beautifully and without interruption. As you review your contracts, appreciate these nuances that help make your day not only memorable for you and your guests but also manageable and enjoyable for those working to immortalize your love story.

Kayla Lee is a Minnesota-based wedding and elopement photographer (and handcrafter and designer on the side). She serves elegant, authentic, sentimental couples who not only choose their own adventures, but also live them to the fullestSee more about the KLP Wedding Experience!

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At home on the road. Forever-focused on authenticity and the thrilling art of creation; always found in the moments that leave me breathless and in awe. 

After fourteen years as a high school educator, I stepped back through a door I thought was closed. Journalism came back into my life. Armed with a Masters of Arts in Communication, I was again challenged and prepared to tell the stories that would become history, but with a twist: It is now your legacy of love that I document. The tension I seek is that from every tear, smile, laugh, and moment of love on your wedding day. 


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